turkish delight delight story

turkish delight is a unique, handmade dessert that has become very popular and often associated with Turkey. Traditionally, starch is used to give it its texture and not gelatin.
It is a traditional dessert served on special occasions such as festivals, celebrations, ceremonies and everyday activities such as coffee drinking. With its common consumption, turkish delight Turkish delight has become a very popular oriental pastry among Turks and all over the world.
turkish delightDelight is a world-famous delicacy that dates back to the Ottoman era.
The Turkish name of this delicacy comes from the Arabic “rahat-ul hulkum”, which means “to soothe or heal the throat”. This term was abbreviated to “rahat lokum” and then to lokum.
turkish delightwas invented by Bekir Affendi, who arrived in Istanbul in 1777 from the eastern province of Anatolia. The name “Turkish Delight” appeared in the 18th century when an English traveler brought back to his relatives some products of Haci Bekir Efendi, the inventor of turkish delight. Since he could not pronounce the Arabic name, he invented the ” Turkish Delight “.
Haci Bekir Efendi concocted the recipe for turkish delightin 1777 by improving an ancient mixture of honey or molasses, water and flour. He used cornmeal and newly available refined beet sugar and developed this firm, chewy treat. The original recipe, which is said to have been invented by Haci Bekir Efendi, consists of slowly cooking starch, water and sugar for several hours, to which various flavors or nuts are added. The resulting mixture is then poured into trays to form jelly “cakes” which are then cut into cubes and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The news spreads and the sultan appoints him chief confectioner of the palace.
The classic turkish delightflavors are rose, lemon and fruit, while the premium varieties contain pistachios, hazelnuts, mastic and dates.
The turkish delightare made with real sugar, without glucose syrup, and do not contain gelatin. They are therefore suitable for vegetarians, vegans and people following a halal or kosher diet.
After its introduction to Europe, turkish delightappeared in several works of Western literature: such as The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis and The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens, which contributed to the reputation of this treat.” In French literature: in the novel “Gaspard, Melchior and Balthazar” by Michel Tournier, and “the turkish delight” by Yves Navarre. Every Turkish household has a supply of these succulent sweet cubes, which are offered with tea and coffee, and after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Trays of pink, yellow and dusty green lokoum. The classic flavors remain rose, lemon, mint and putty. It is traditional for the hostess to offer turkish delight to her guests upon their arrival. She passes a delicate glass dish and says, “Let’s eat sweet. Let’s talk about sweetness.”